Exhibitions around the world!
Luthieros going global...
Within the framework of the event the audience examined, touched and played with the reproductions of ancient musical instruments, met the people behind the project and learn about all the stages of its development. The audience had also discover how easy it is to express oneself through ‘playing’ an ancient lyre!
A short concert took place within the Cyprus Museum where the audience had the chance to listen to the oldest surviving, complete musical composition, (the Seikilos Epitaph) and other surviving ancient melodies, along with modern improvisations with the accompaniment of an 11-string lyre (chelys type), vocals and duduk.
“Calling Upon the Muses at Cyprus Museum”
The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works presented the musical event titled “Calling Upon the Muses” will take place in the Cyprus Museum, in collaboration with the Luthieros Music Instruments and Seikilo.
The event “Calling Upon the Muses” at the Cyprus Museum, invited the audience to examine reproductions of ancient instruments: the lyre (chelys and barbitos types), the phorminx, the cithara , the sambuca and the bendir. The reproductions of these ancient instruments have been designed and crafted by the Anastasios Musical Instruments Workshop (www.luthieros.com), in collaboration with the 3D Laboratories of the International Hellenic University (Thessaloniki) (reverse engineering & 3D modeling) and the Electronic Media Laboratory of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (sound analysis).

Pirenostrum of Spain !
La Feria Pirenaica de Luthiers is the oldest music gathering of the Spanish Pyrenees mountain region. We had the chance not only to introduce (being the first Greek exhibitor to participate) Luthieros’s craftsmanship to the Iberian Peninsula with hundreds of visitors but also to organise an Ancient Greek lyre concert at the Saint Paul’s church of Boltaña. Hasta la proxima!

A recognition from Spain!
The academic research of the R&D team of Luthieros MusicInstruments is once again recognized and this time is by Alzapúa, the official magazine of the Federación Española de Guitarra e Instrumentos de Plectro (FEGIP) in Spain!

Rudolstadt Festival
The Rudolstadt-Festival (till 2015 TFF (“Tanz- und Folkfest”) Rudolstadt) is a German folk, roots and world music festival. It takes place annually on the first full July weekend in Rudolstadt/Thuringia. Until 2010 it was preceded by a special concert at the Heidecksburg-castle and started officially on Friday evening at the market place of Rudolstadt. In 2016 more than 300 concerts on 20 stages took place during the festival and 90.000 visitors had been coming.
The variety of the festival is simply overwhelming: Global pop from Spain and the vocal play of the Inuit, classical Iranian percussion and techno-trance from Turkey, Norwegian folk rock and German-Lebanese Ethno Jazz. For four days, there are about 300 performances by 150 bands and solo artists. It is one of the largest and most prestigious world music festivals in Europe. This range of concerts, workshops and talks attract up to 25,000 visitors a day.

The Gift of Gods!
A series of events that include Ancient Greek Instruments Exhibition, lectures & discussions, live performances by top musicians, workshops on how to construct ancient Greek lyres, and music workshops on playing ancient drums and lyres took place since 2015 at Thessaloniki, Greece. This is a short music documentary about it. The last two Gift of Gods took respectively place at the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki and the Museum of Ancient Greek Technology in Athens.
For more videos like this, you can subscribe in our Youtube account.

Luthieros in Musikmesse…
Luthieros (Anastasios Music Instruments, Hall 3.1, D 42) participated at Europe’s biggest music instrument exhibition Frankfurt Musikmesse, presenting for the first time the reconstructed fully functional replicas of all types of Ancient Greek lyres!
Whats more, the ancient lyre was for first time revived, amusing the audience during Lina Palera and Danis Koumartzis’s music presentation!
Award to “The Lyre 2.0 Project”…
International acceptance from Czech Republic to Japan!
Two years ago, our first interview to be published in Czech with Luděk Bohovič! Interesting conversation about Luthieros MusicInstruments research during our participation to Europe’s most well known music instrument exhibition in musikmesse!
A Travel to Immortal’s Land!
In a special evening at Tokyo National Museum dedicated to “a Travel to Immortal’s Land”, full with music by three of Luthieros MusicInstruments replicas of Ancient Greek Lyres lighting once again Ancient Greek Civilization.
Music Festivals in Greece
Luthieros participated in several festivals music Festivals around Greece such as Houdetsi Music Festival (a initiative of Ross Daly and the birthplace of Labyrinth Music Workshop), Music Village in Agios Lavrentios at Pelio Mountain near Volos, International Book fair of Thessaloniki and several ceremonies such as Promitheia (in the Olympus Mountain) and Attika Dionysia in Athens.
In the national public Television and Press…
A documentary on recreating both renaissance and ancient musical instruments – featuring Luthieros MusicInstruments members (master luthier Anastasios) and Seikilo‘s music instructor Danis Koumartzis. Borders‘a tv show (ΕΡΤ3) dedicated a significant part of their last emission to our work and the final result is great! You can watch the hole emission here!
What’s more, BBC4 and the emission Akala’s Odyssey featuring the craftsmanship of Anastasios and the wonderful Nikos Xanthoulis with a Phorminx!