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The Lyre 2.0 Project

Reintroducing the ancient lyre to the 21st century


our research in brief

Research on Ancient Sources & Amphorae’s Depictions

Homer, Philostratus the Elder, Virgil, Ovid etc., along with numerous depictions on amphorae and limited but valuable archaeological finds, helped us lay the foundations for the Lyre 2.0 Project to start…

3d Scanning & 3d Modelling during the Prototyping Phase

We used the latest 3d technologies for a rapid prototyping phase, such as 3d scanning of real tortoise shells and 3d modelling design for the rest of the instrument.

Working in the Workshop: The First Models

At the end of the “prototyping” phase, we began working in the workshop to produce the first fully functional models of the ancient Greek lyres: one of the chelys type, and one of the barbiton type. Both of them were constructed in total using only materials available during the antiquity such as tortoise shell for the resonator, bone for the plectrum, leather for the soundboard, metal for the tailpiece, animal’s guts for the strings, wood for the arms, the bridge etc.

Sound tests & university research!

With the first integrated models of ancient Greek lyres ready, we visited the Laboratory of Electronic Media of the Department of Journalism & Mass Media (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki),  we recorded our instruments and proceeded with sound analysis tests to identify their features. The results of this research have confirmed their supreme sound qualities!

An Ancient Lyre for Every Need

By confirming the musical quality of our first models of ancient lyre, we started the final step to make them complete: the development of different ancient Greek lyras (for beginners, advanced, etc.) and their final finishing, shortly before their deliver to musicians and music lovers!

The “Kithara of the Golden Age” (advanced spring mechanism)
The “Barbiton Lyre of Sappho” (7 or 9 strings)
The “Lyre of Apollo” (11 or 13 strings)
The “Kylix Lyre of Pan” (7 or 9 strings)
The “Phorminx” (with spring mechanism)
Sambuca (7 strings, harp-like)

We are working closely with top music players

The most well-known lyre player in the world, Michael Levy, has chosen one of Luthieros instruments for his on-going projects and album’s recordings! So far, he has recorded three music albums with an 11-strings “Lyre of Apollo” premium quality model.

More specific, he recently released:
(1) The Lyre of Apollo: The Chelys Lyre of Ancient Greece (12 songs) – Available at iTunes.
(2) The Lyre of Hermes, EP (6 songs) – Available at iTunes.
(3) 21st Century Lyre Music, EP (6 songs) – Available at iTunes

What’s more, Michael has arranged sheet music for solo lyre for 10 of the tracks featured in his albums and has prepared a series of lyre tuition videos on his Youtube channel. Additionally, he wrote a booklet briefly outlining the lyre’s history. All of the above, plus one of his albums, are included in every lyre we send to our amazing customers!

An amazing GoT fans’ videoclip by Greek amateur and professional musicians, playing our workshop ancient replica instruments! Damn worth watching it!

“A bit of Ancient Greece, and a bit of Hollywood at the same time! The handcrafted ancient replica lyres by Luthieros are one-of-a-kind!” – e-radio.gr | “The Greeks, who revived the ancient lyre, are playing the theme song of GoT!”news247.gr

Praise to be our Lyres!
(conferences, journals etc.)

Honorary praise in the first presentation of our ancient lyres to the public, at the Congress Designing Creative Synergies 2014! Awarded to the team of “The Lyre 2.0 Project” from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the International University of Thessaloniki, the Metropolitan Development Thessaloniki SA and the Center for Creative Economy Thessaloniki.

The “Lyre 2.0 Project” was presented with a lecture during the Panhellenic Conference of Acoustics 2014, and at the same time some of our models were exhibited in the conference hall. The conference participants showed great interest for our replica lyres, and photographs of our stand were featured on the cover of the magazine of the Panhellenic Acoustics Association!

In the academic world, our project was presented with a lecture during the Panhellenic Conference of Acoustics 2014, and a paper (in English) is in the revision stage of a peer-reviewed top-ranked journal with great feedback so far by our reviewers!

the perfect lyre for you

find your dream ancient-inspired musical instrument

musical artifacts of the ancient world

  • The Lyre of Hermes (7 or 9 strings) – Ancient Greek Chelys Lyre – Koumartzis Familia – luthieros.com

    Lyre of Hermes (7 or 9 strings) – ancient Greek lyre

    740.00 840.00 
  • The Lyre of Apollo – Ancient Greek Lyre (Chelys – 11 or 13 strings) – Top Quality HandCrafted Musical Instrument - Koumartzis familia - www.LUTHIEROS.com

    Lyre of Apollo (11 strings) – ancient Greek lyre

  • The Lyre of Sappho (8 strings) – Ancient Greek Barbiton Lyre – Koumartzis Familia – luthieros.com

    Lyre of Sappho (8 strings) – ancient Greek barbiton lyre

  • Kithara (Cithara) of the Golden Age, Luthieros Instruments, Koumartzis Familia, luthieros.com

    Kithara of the Golden Age (7 or 9 strings)

    2,400.00 2,650.00 
  • The Lyre of Pan (Kylix Lyre) – 7string Ancient Greek Lyre – Compact size - Koumartzis Familia - www.luthieros.com

    Lyre of Pan (7 strings) – ancient Greek lyre

  • Lyre of Olympus with Built-in Pickup – Professional lyre - www.luthieros.com - Top Quality HandCrafted Instrument - Koumartzis family

    Lyre of Olympus (11 or 13 strings) – ancient lyre with cedarwood

    1,790.00 1,940.00 
  • Phorminx – Advanced Lyre (7 or 9 strings) - Koumartzis Family - Luthieros.com

    Phorminx (7 or 9 strings) – ancient string instrument with vibrato

    1,480.00 1,640.00 
  • Traveler's Lyre or Odysseus' Lyre - 9 strings - wooden soundboard - compact size - the LUTHIEROS team - by the Koumartzis family

    Traveler’s Lyre (or Odysseus’ Lyre) with 9 strings and a wooden soundboard — ancient Greek lyre

  • Sale! King Lyre of Pan ( 9strings) - ancient Greek chelys lyre - Luthieros Music Instruments - Koumartzis Familia - www.luthieros.com

    Lyre of Zeus (13 strings) – ancient Greek lyre – Collector Edition

    Original price was: 3,450.00 €.Current price is: 2,950.00 €.
Ancient Lyre, Ancient Greece, Luthieros Music Instruments, Koumartzis, Ancient Harp

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