Healing Music in Ancient Greece
29.00 €
I begin to sing of Asclepius, son of Apollo and healer of sicknesses. — Hesiod, Homeric Hymn to Ascleipus
From songs and charms to ward off disease to hymns to the healing gods, the connection between Music and Healing is almost as old as music itself. And for the Greeks, there could be no better expression of that link than the god Apollo, who presides over both disciplines, connecting and intertwining them, making the one forever part of the other.
Follow the journey of music and the healing arts, from myth and legend to literature, to philosophy, to actual practice, in SEIKILO’s new book, Healing Music in Ancient Greece, as we attempt to trace that connection all the way back to the beginnings of Greek civilization.
Discover the power that the Greeks believed music had to heal through the works of some of antiquity’s greatest writers and poets. Follow some of history’s greatest philosophers as they explain how music affects the soul and its fundamental role in shaping healthy individuals and even societies. Meet the pioneering doctors of ancient times, whose work set up the basis of modern medicine, as they, too, utilize music and melody in their fight against human suffering.
Finally, explore some of those melodies and charms yourself with a full chapter dedicated to sheet music and lyrics for several original healing hymns!
Nikolaos Koumartzis, D.Phil. (editor-in-chief)
Fotis Giantsios, M.Litt. (research director)
Lina Palera (composer)
Dr. Athanasios Dritsas, MD, FESC (foreword)
Michael J. Griffin, D.Phil. (scholarly advisor)
_Publication ID
Paperback Premium Edition
Dimensions: 16 x 23 cm
Pages: 282
Color: 40 full-color and 242 black & white, plus sheet music for the ancient Greek lyre
29.00 €

Explore the Lyre Mythos.
Discover Lyre's Glorious Past.

^ In Classical Greece, it was expected from all Greeks to know how to play the lyre, as it was expected even from the greatest of their heroes (there are recounts of Achilles being a great lyre player and Alexander the Great being instructed on the lyre). In James Barry's painting titled "The Education of Achilles," we see Achilles being guided by the centaur Cheiron (oil on canvas, Yale Center for British Art).
< In Classical Greece, it was expected from all Greeks to know how to play the lyre, as it was expected even from the greatest of their heroes (there are recounts of Achilles being a great lyre player and Alexander the Great being instructed on the lyre). In James Barry's painting titled "The Education of Achilles," we see Achilles being guided by the centaur Cheiron (oil on canvas, Yale Center for British Art).
Welcome to a brand-new book series titled Lyre Mythos, a SEIKILO original. It is a multifaceted project, mindfully assembled by a team of skillful authors and scholars, all closely affiliated with the worldwide lyre community.
Our goal is to introduce the mythos of the lyre to a more general audience, exploring the celebrated past of this unique ancient musical instrument through history, arts, literature, and mythology.
Why was it so important to be linked to the lyre in the ancient world? Why, centuries later, were medieval warlords, usually completely uneducated in music, buried alongside this particular instrument? Why did the Old Testament put the lyre in King David’s hands? And why did Ludwig Van Beethoven, the great composer and pianist, want to be portrayed holding one in his 19th-century portrait?
These are some of the unexpected but utterly thrilling questions we will search for an answer to. The truth about to be revealed will lead us to new but equally exciting inquiries.
Koumartzis, N. (2024). Introduction: The Lyre's Transcendence in The Lyre as a Symbol artbook. Thessaloniki: SEIKILO Books.
Koumartzis, N. (2024). Introduction: In search of the Song of the Lyre in The Song of the Lyre anthology. Thessaloniki: SEIKILO Books.

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Premium publication
We use state-of-the-art printing technologies for our premium publications, considering deeply our impact on the environment. This is why we only use carbon-neutral processes and exclusively FSC-certified paper made of responsibly sourced wood fiber.
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Rest assured that your order finances the research needed for the next installment of the Lyre Mythos series so we can dive deeper and bring you the next valuable insight into the rich lyre mythos.
Premium publication
We use state-of-the-art printing technologies for our premium publications, considering deeply our impact on the environment. This is why we only use carbon-neutral processes and exclusively FSC-certified paper made of responsibly sourced wood fiber.
Healing Music in Ancient Greece
29.00 €