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  • LUTHIEROS-approved sugar strings for ancient and early musical instruments. Masterfully produced for Luthieros lyres by Aquila Corde Armoniche - find out more at www.luthieros.com

    Sugar strings (set)

    31.00 62.00 
  • LUTHIEROS-approved gut strings for ancient and early musical instruments. Masterfully produced for Luthieros lyres by Europe's best string makers - find out more at www.luthieros.com

    Gut strings (set)

    50.00 90.50 
  • Sale! Full Package for a Lyre or a Kithara - Set of 3 Bridges - Set of 3 Plectrums - Telamonas - Set of sugar strings - Koumartzis family - LUTHIEROS.com

    LUTHIEROS Full Package for a Lyre or a Kithara

    198.00 230.00 
  • King Lyre of Pan ( 9strings) - ancient Greek chelys lyre - Luthieros Music Instruments - Koumartzis Familia - www.luthieros.com

    King Lyre of Pan (9 or 11 strings) – ancient Greek lyre

    1,340.00 1,640.00 
  • Traveler's Lyre or Odysseus' Lyre - 9 strings - wooden soundboard - compact size - the LUTHIEROS team - by the Koumartzis family

    Traveler’s Lyre (or Odysseus’ Lyre) with 9 strings and a wooden soundboard — ancient Greek lyre

  • The Unique lyre of Euterpe | ancient Greek Chelys lyre | Collector’s edition, Luthieros Instruments | Koumartzis Familia, luthieros.com

    Lyre of Muse Euterpe (9 strings) – ancient Greek lyre

  • Sale! King Lyre of Pan ( 9strings) - ancient Greek chelys lyre - Luthieros Music Instruments - Koumartzis Familia - www.luthieros.com

    Lyre of Zeus (13 strings) – ancient Greek lyre – Collector Edition

    Original price was: 3,450.00 €.Current price is: 2,950.00 €.